Exploring the History and Purpose of Church Stained Glass
The history behind stained glass is truly fascinating. We believe that stained glass originated in the Middle East as a way to allow an abundance of natural light but still be able to keep their buildings completely closed off. Mastery of stained glass began in Egypt and Rome stemming into how historical churches would utilize this medium. Churches began commissioning windows that featured religious figures from the bible. With such a rich history, exploring the historical background alongside the purpose of church stained glass can be very enriching.
Historical Background and Purpose of Religious Stained Glass
As stained glass evolved over the centuries, more and more colors were discovered. Whenever new metals were found, stained glass artisans were able to create new color palettes for their stained glass pieces. Stained glass was always a very expensive medium especially when glass was such a high commodity. Buildings would have to take the risk of having their stained glass windows rendered useless since there was always the chance that another property would be built directly in front of it. Stained glass was originally a very functional item that slowly evolved into a form of art. During the medieval period, churches realized they could use stained glass as a way to educate the illiterate about the bible. The light also symbolized God and was a great way to showcase important messages from the bible.
Taking Inspiration from Stained Glass History and Purpose for Your Salt Lake City Property
Stained glass has always been used as a means for allowing abundant natural light into your property while keeping the building completely closed and private. Salt Lake City churches can still use this powerful medium for portraying important biblical figures and messages.
For more information regarding our custom stained glass services for your Salt Lake City property, please contact us!