Is Historical Restoration of Stained Glass a Smart Decision for Your Commercial Space?
Stained glass is not just something that was put into churches here in Denver. Around the turn of the 20th-century stained glass in the US was put in all types of buildings. From retail stores to banks and bars–stained glass was a ubiquitous trend. This same stained glass in commercial spaces here in Denver is now turning 100 years old or more. Which means restoration is imminent. Beyond the fact that stained glass needs to be restored or it could fall into permanent disrepair–what reasons would commercial spaces here in the Denver area have to restore these historical treasures? As it turns out, quite a few! We have listed some of the most compelling reasons below.
Restoring Commercial Stained Glass Strengthens Community Ties
When we work with churches to restore stained glass windows, often the entire community in which the church resides comes together. Commercial spaces are no different. If your stained glass is over 100 years old, it is often considered historical, if not antique. There are community organizations and even grants available to help commercial spaces, just like yours, restore antique stained glass, because it benefits the community at large.
Restoring Commercial Stained Glass Attract New Clients
Stained glass is lovely and there is a reason it was installed across industries–it attracts people. Whatever your stained glass looks like now is probably just a shadow of what it will look like once restored. When you invest the time and money to have the stained glass in your Denver commercial space restored, you will surely attract new customers entranced by your stunning restoration piece.
Restoring Commercial Stained Glass Preserves A Piece of Denver History
The fact of the matter is, stained glass windows, especially in commercial spaces, are a part of Denver’s rich history. It is likely that some of them were made by burgeoning artisans or studios in Denver’s past and have a good story behind them. More to the point, if your Denver location has stained glass in it, it was likely a lively hub back in the “pioneer” days. By restoring the historic stained glass then, you are doing your part preserving the amazing “Wild West” past Denver is known for.
For more information on how to begin a restoration of your historical stained glass in your commercial space, contact us at Scottish Stained Glass today!