Sophisticated Stained Glass Privacy Solutions for the Bathroom of Your Austin Home
Have you ever started getting ready in your bathroom and felt uncomfortable because you don’t have any privacy? Chances are, none of your neighbors are watching. But it’s the principle of the matter. No one likes being exposed for all the world to see. Some parts of life are simply private.
If you’ve ever found yourself in this situation, then you’ll love these stained glass privacy solutions for Austin homes. Sophisticated enough for any modern bathroom, these stained glass additions are a sure way to get the discreet atmosphere and peace of mind you need.
Glamorous Stained Glass Privacy Solutions for your Bathroom
Everyone needs a little glamour in their life. Bring some into yours with these enchanting stained glass privacy solutions for the bathroom of your Austin home.
Dalle de Verre
Not all stained glass windows have hand-painted images of angels and crosses. Some simply use color to convey a feeling. Dalle de Verre is one of these varieties. It looks like a mosaic, but it’s much brighter and more vivid.
Prairie Style
This style is also referred to as Frank Lloyd Wright stained glass. If earth tones are your thing, then this is the style for you.
Modern, cool, chic – contemporary designs say it all. And they’re much more interesting to look at than some dusty old drapes.
Why be like everyone else, when you can be unique? Opt for a custom design for a look that’s totally your own and no one else’s. If you go this route, you get to pick out all the colors and details yourself. It’s self-expression at its best. And if you move, you can even take it with you.
Design Your New Bathroom
Don’t wait to get the privacy you need. Call Scottish Stained Glass in Austin today to start designing your beautiful new bathroom.