Using Stained Glass for Privacy in your Fort Collins Condo
Are you tired of not having enough privacy in your home? Maybe you just moved into a new condo. Or perhaps you’re sick of dusting the blinds or drapes hanging over your windows. Either way, you need a new privacy solution. And we’ve got one: stained glass.
We know, that’s probably not the answer you were expecting to hear. But it’s true. Adding stained glass to your Fort Collins condo is a great way to create privacy. And the newer, more modern designs are stunning. Here are a few of our favorite privacy solutions for condos.
How to Use Stained Glass to Create a Private & Cozy Interior
Sure, you love your neighbors. But that doesn’t mean they need to see what’s going on in your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or living room every hour of the day. Get the privacy you need with stained glass in Fort Collins. Here are a few of our favorite ideas for decorating condos.
Alternating Colors
We get it. Not everyone wants a multi-colored window in their condo. But there’s tons of different ways you can use stained glass to get the privacy you need, and it doesn’t have to be elaborate. Pick one or two colors that go well with your decor and order single colored windows. Alternate the different colored windows to create an interesting pattern and contemporary effect.
Abstract Art
Nothing says “modern” more than abstract art. Ask your stained glass designer to create an abstract look for your window. You can even ask them to include both clear and colored glass, so that your design doesn’t look too over the top.
Simple Designs
Not all stained glass looks like the evangelic windows in cathedrals. In fact, most modern designs are much simpler and don’t have any painted details at all. You can opt for a window with a single symbol or image, or even go with a versatile beveled window that uses only clear glass to still get the privacy benefits of stained glass.
Place Your Order Today
Contact our team at Scottish Stained Glass in Fort Collins to order a stained glass window for your condo today.