In the heart of Detroit, a city renowned for its rich cultural tapestry, stands Scottish Stained Glass, a beacon of artistic excellence in stained glass craftsmanship. For over three decades, our studio has been at the forefront of designing, fabricating, and restoring stained glass art, infusing traditional Scottish techniques with contemporary flair. Each piece we create is a testament to our passion for detail and an ode to the city’s vibrant spirit, from the intricate patterns that adorn local homes to the majestic installations in public spaces.
Detroit’s architectural landscape is adorned with our creations, each narrating a unique story. At Scottish Stained Glass, we don’t just fabricate windows; we craft experiences. Our team’s expertise in bringing bespoke designs to life, coupled with our commitment to quality, makes us the go-to studio in Detroit for those who seek to add a touch of timeless elegance to their spaces. Whether it’s a modern piece for a new build or a restoration project for a historic landmark, our stained glass speaks volumes of Detroit’s eclectic and evolving character.