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Custom antique stained glass designs

Are you a lover of antique stained glass? Do you wish there had been some in your family you could have inherited, or that your house would have come with some? Do you just love the old-fashioned craftsmanship and timeless patterns antique stained glass seems to have?

Do you lust after Tiffany lamps and goggle at church stained glass in ancient European cathedrals? If this sounds like you, then why not add some antique stained glass to your home? When we way antique, we are actually talking about custom stained glass windows done in antique styles and patterns, using the same old-fashioned hand-crafted techniques?

Here at Scottish Stained Glass, we actually have a collection of genuine antique stained glass windows that have been imported from Scotland. And because our clients love their designs, but these windows cannot be installed into new windows, we have done many replicas.

When it comes to antique stained glass, you can have the same look for less with a brand new window, custom designed to your tastes in the antique style. Sound intriguing? If this is something that resonates with you and you think it might look terrific in your home, take a look at our antique stained glass photo gallery.


With antique stained glass, there is more than one particular style. The Art Nouveau period, along with the Mission and Prairie styles were all popular around one hundred years ago, so those styles would be considered antique-look stained glass as well.

So antique style can still be customized to your style. Do you have some antiques in your home from the Arts and Crafts period? Then Prairie style stained glass might be a perfect complement. Click here to see some of our Prairie style stained glass designs. Do you love nature and flowers, and always have fresh flowers in your home? Then floral stained glass might be the antique style you’d absolutely love. Click here to see some of our floral stained glass designs.

Although our design methods and materials are quite modern, we still construct each stained glass panel by hand, piece by piece, the old fashioned way. Our use of special dark leads and our access to hundreds of different colors and types of glass allows us to give you a brand new window with that genuine antique look. Minus the grime of centuries, of course!

Don’t be surprised if your new antique stained glass lasts long enough to become a genuine antique or perhaps even a family heirloom. If you are looking for antique stained glass, please give us a call here at Scottish Stained Glass today.