The Most Beautiful Types of Dalle Stained Glass for Fort Collins Properties
So you’re thinking about adding some stained glass to your property? That’s excellent! Stained glass isn’t just beautiful to look at; it’s also a useful and functional feature. Stained glass controls how much light is let into a room, filtering and softening it as it pours inward. And the textures can provide privacy for occupants.
Stained glass has been around for quite some time, hundreds of years in fact. Which is great because there are a number of different styles you can choose from nowadays. One of our favorite is Dalle Stained Glass. Fort Collins properties can use Dalle de Verre to add color to bland or white walls, and create an interesting-looking focal piece.
In this post, we’ll discuss how Dalle de Verre is made, and what some of our favorite types are.
Making Dalle de Verre
Dalle de Verre is a technique used to create stained glass windows from thick chunks or slabs of glass. Glass sheets that have been injected with dyes are broken or sawed apart into smaller pieces. Then the broken up chunks are arranged into an interesting design and cemented together. In the end, the whole thing looks a lot like a mosaic.
Beautiful Types of Dalle Stained Glass
Dalle Stained Glass windows in Fort Collins can have all different kinds of designs, from religious imagery to totally abstract shapes. Generally, these windows can be separated into two different categories: (1)those made with cement and (2)those made with epoxy resin.
Cement and Sand
Perhaps the most common type of Dalle Stained Glass is the cemented type. These windows are made by using a mixture of sand and cement to hold the glass in place. While not as aesthetically pleasing, they are much stronger, and therefore, the more popular method.
Epoxy Resin
Another type of Dalle de Verre is epoxy resin windows. Instead of using cement, epoxy resin is used as a substitute to hold the glass in place. While this style looks stunning, it’s does have some problems structurally. After a few years, the windows tend to start leaking.
Get Your Own Dalle de Verre
Add a beautiful Dalle Stained Glass window to your Fort Collins property. Call us today to get started.