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How To Get Started with Stained Glass Restoration Fundraising in Colorado Springs

Tips On Fundraising For Church Stained Glass Restoration In Colorado Springs

Probably the biggest hesitation to getting stained glass restored here in Colorado Springs is the financial part. Most churches don’t have thousands of dollars set aside for such repairs and, understandably, have no idea where to get such vast sums of money. This is one of the reasons, we at Scottish Stained Glass are here to help. We have done a fair amount of church stained glass restorations across the country and have seen many churches successfully navigate the stained glass restoration fundraising process to bring their cherished windows back to life. Below we have listed a few tips on how to get started and, of course, we are happy to brainstorm with your Colorado Springs church individually to help you tap into local resources not outlined here as well.

Tap Into Your Church’s Enthusiastic Volunteer Resources

The first step in stained glass fundraising is mobilizing your church and working with those that are most supportive and enthusiastic about the process. This will help you throughout the process not just in the raising of the funds.

Decide Where You Want To Seek Out Funding

This may seem self-evident but some church’s we have encountered only want to get stained glass restoration funds internally from the church, while others are willing to seek help outside of it. Should you decide to look outside your church, be aware there are grants available from historical societies and even local businesses help out sometimes–especially if they are hosting events or matching contributions, not just writing a check. It is good to get the community involved in church stained glass restorations as preserving these windows is an investment in the community as a whole.

Get Creative In Your Stained Glass Restoration Fundraisers

Church stained glass is lovely and charming and as such can inspire great creativity and envoke participation across a number of channels. Of course, traditional fund drives like car washes, selling candy are great but something like a silent auction, involving local businesses or an ice cream social may stand out and garner more donations!

These are, of course, just a few ideas that we have seen churches across the county succeed in. There are so many things churches can do to get the money they need, including grant money. We advise you to call us for an initial assessment on your Colorado Springs church stained glass so you have a solid number to work for. Reach out to us today to schedule a visit and to take that first step toward preserving your church’s lovely stained glass.