Will Stained Glass Hold Up To Denver Weather?
Is Stained Glass Right For Denver Homes?
Many homeowners in the Denver area, when considering stained glass, are concerned about whether or not the climate of Denver is too harsh for it. Not unlike regular glass, stained glass windows can be damaged and the issue lies in the fact that it is much more expensive to replace. The good news is, however, stained glass is very durable and holds up to regular weather quite nicely. While hail is always a threat here, your stained glass is no more likely to break from hail as any of your other windows. Additionally, since Denver is so dry, it actually helps keep frames from rotting as quickly, which is usually where you will see the fastest degradation on a stained glass window. In all reality, a properly crafted and cared for stained glass will last 80-100 years before needing repairs. For more information on what this means read on.
Well-crafted Stained Glass Windows Are More Durable
As we mentioned before a well-crafted stained glass window is very durable. This includes the use of quality glass making and leading materials as well as a carefully constructed frame. Another area where premature damage will occur is during the installation. If a stained glass installer does not thoroughly clean the glass, permanent smudges may be visible or, if moisture is trapped between the glass panel and an outer window water damage may occur. What this really means though is– a stained glass expert, like us, is your first and best defense against your Denver home’s stained glass windows being damaged.
Stained Glass Maintenance To Prevent Damage
You can keep your stained glass from accruing damage by lightly cleaning it regularly to remove dirt and debris from dust and smog, inside and out. These substances can dull the stained glass and reduces its natural luster. It is important to use the right cleaning agents and always be extra-light in your touch. It is best if you, have a stained glass company deep clean your glass once a year too. Finally, if you see small cracks or chips or any sort of structural frame sagging, make sure to get your stained glass repair. These little spots can turn into big, costly blemishes quickly.
Watch this video for more information on stained glass:
For more information on how to upkeep your stained glass or to have us come out and take a look at it for you, contact Scottish Stained Glass today!