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Stunning Examples of Transom Stained Glass for your Dallas Home

Do you live in a home with transom windows? Transoms are the small windows on the uppermost portion of your wall. Their purpose is to let extra light into your home.

Unfortunately, in terms of aesthetics, they don’t bring much to the table. Most transoms are made with flat glass and are rather plain-looking. Some even detract from the beauty of the room by showcasing brick walls or a neighbor’s home.

That’s what makes stained glass a great option for transoms. Below, we’ve listed some beautiful examples of transom stained glass for Dallas homes.

Why Stained Glass for your Transoms?

Before we go any further, let’s discuss the benefits of adding stained glass to your transom windows. Stained glass transoms are more than just pretty to look at. They’re also useful. Homeowners can enjoy benefits like:

  • More privacy from neighboring homes
  • Avoiding curtains that block the sun and look awkward
  • A potentially higher home resale value

Gorgeous Examples of Transom Stained Glass Windows

Another benefit of adding stained glass to your transoms is that you get to make it look however you want. Stained glass windows are completely customizable. That means you get the final say about the colors, the design, and all the details.

If you need some inspiration, take a look at these gorgeous transom stained glass windows we’ve made for other Dallas customers.

dallas transom stained glass windows

Beveled Transom

Simple, yet effective. This beveled stained glass transom makes a powerful visual impact.

transom stained glass windows dallas


We love the artistic look of this contemporary design.

dallas transom stained glass

Nature Themed/Prairie

These windows used to feature a view of the neighbor’s home. Now, they feature a stunning mountain landscape.

transom stained glass dallas

Bathroom Transoms

These bathroom transoms are perfect for creating privacy without sacrificing light!

Add Transom Stained Glass to Your Dallas Home

Beautify your home with transom stained glass. Call Scottish Stained Glass today to get started with the process!