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Benefits of Restoring Stained Glass in Kansas City’s Historic Theaters, Museums, and Restaurants

Kansas City is known for their beloved stained glass features housed throughout the city in historic theaters, museums, and restaurants. The Kansas City community agrees that preserving historic stained glass for future generations is an important task. These rare treasures can feature symbolic messages, significant art, and meaningful sentiment. Antique stained glass around the age of 75 – 100 years are most likely ready for restoration. We always recommend restoring at the first signs of deterioration in order to prevent any potential irreversible damage.

The Importance of Preserving Heritage Through Stained Glass Restoration

Restoring stained glass is vital to preserving Kansas City heritage and history. Many theaters, museums, and restaurants that house these stained glass features are often visited by the community in order to enjoy these relics. Historic commercial property owners can actually increase their property equity, improve antique value, and restore their stained glass for another 100 years. These financial benefits definitely make historical preservation worth it. Stained glass restoration can also lead to more customer retention while attracting new ones.

Stained Glass Restoration from Stained Glass Denver – Sub on Vimeo.

How to Get Started on Your Historic Stained Glass Restoration Project

Our historic stained glass restoration project begins with an on-site consultation. Whether you’ve spotted signs of deterioration or would like us to determine if your stained glass is ready for restoration, we’re happy to help you get started. The assessment determines what external factors have lead your stained glass to require restoration. This allows us to create individualized restoration plans for each piece based on their requirements. Our goal is to preserve these treasures for another 100 years for more generations to enjoy. The assessment can provide the project estimate as well, giving you the opportunity to analyze the costs and benefits.

For more information regarding historic stained glass restoration in the Kansas City area, please give us a call anytime: (816) 399-3764