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Benefits Of Restoring Stained Glass in Colorado Springs Historic Buildings

Colorado is has been a state since 1876 making it well over 100 years old. This means plenty of history and historical buildings for that matter. One element largely popular feature on historic buildings of all sorts is stained glass windows. It was a popular design choice back in the early days of our statehood through present day. If you own a historical building here the Colorado Springs that has stained glass–the glass likely needs some sort of restoration. While removal is an option, there are plenty of good reasons to keep and restore your historical stained glass too.

Value: The Main Benefit Of Restoring Stained Glass

When it comes down to it the main benefit of keeping the stained glass and having it restored rather than removing it is value. But there are different ways in which objects are valuable that we must explore.

Colorado Springs Stained Glass Has Historic Value: The fact of the matter is–many Colorado Historical buildings were built in a very exciting time here in the US. Especially the wild west that was Colorado Springs. The world at that time was changing with new technologies emerging. A such the stained glass made here in Colorado Springs was built in a time of deep historical significance and therefore has some pretty significant historical value. While this won’t necessarily translate to cash, the historical value is simply something you cannot put a price on. It is important for us to restore rather than remove these stained glass windows to help keep part of our rich “westward” culture intact for future generations.

Colorado Springs Historical Stained Glass Has Artistic Value: Just like historical value, artistic value is hard to quantify but very real. Colorado Springs has been a thriving community full of artisans for over a century. Meaning the stained glass on your historical building was likely built by a local artisan. By preserving the stained glass and having it restored rather than remove, you are preserving a valuable piece of art history. One that can never be recreated and has profound artistic significance being of a bygone era.

Colorado Springs Historical Stained Glass Has Monetary Value: Of course, there is always a matter of what your Colorado Springs Historical stained glass is or could be worth. If your windows are very old (over 100 years) they are antiques and worth restoring rather than replacing for that very reason. However, some stained glass windows in the Colorado Springs area could have been made by now famous craftsman–dramatically increasing their value. In which case, they are, of course, well worth restoring them is a must. To know more about the potential monetary value you will have to have them assessed by an expert. However, even if there is no significant monetary value, preserving them for future generations is still a good idea!

For more information on stained glass restoration here in Colorado Springs or to schedule an assessment, contact us at Scottish Stained Glass today!