Our Stained Glass Remodeling & Renovation Process
Though many people know us for our ability to build new stained glass windows, we’re also able to repair aging or antique stained glass as well. Stained glass remodeling and renovation offers a way to restore worn or damaged glass to its original beauty. But it must be done with a high level of care and precision since glass is indeed a fragile substance.
In order to complete the restoration properly and prevent issues from rising again in the future, it’s important to have a deep understanding of the situation. One should be aware of the factors that cause glass deterioration and should also know how to construct windows in a manner that provides for longevity and preservation.
Factors that Contribute to Deterioration
There are many different factors which can contribute to the deterioration of stained glass. Soot, dirt, and grime can build up on the glass and cause it to loose its lustrous shine and color. In addition, intense heat, humidity, harsh weather, and other factors can cause the leading to sag, which puts pressure on the glass itself, causing it to warp or crack. These signs of deterioration can be detected by standing directly beneath the windows and looking upward.
Our Stained Glass Remodeling & Renovation Process
Over the past 25 years, we’ve repaired quite a large number of stained glass windows. As a result, we’ve come up with a very precise process that we use for all of our remodeling and renovation projects. By using these following steps, we are able to add renewed vibrancy and strength to the windows:
Removal: The stained glass is safely removed from the frames so that it can be repaired in our studio. A piece of temporary glass is installed in its place in the meantime.
Cleaning: Next, in order to eliminate any grime or build up, the glass is soaked in a bath of cleansing solution for a time period lasting up to two weeks.
Disassembly: Photographs are taken before disassembling the glass. They will later be used as a blueprint for reassembly. The glass is then numbered and taken apart piece by piece.
Glass replacement: All pieces of glass that are in good condition are set aside and safely stored. Pieces that are badly chipped or cracked are replaced from our stock of glass. We always try to preserve as much of the original glass as possible.
Reassembly: The windows are put back together into their original design. The old leading is discarded and new lead is used in its place. Steel bars may also be added for additional reinforcement.
Reinstallation: The glass is installed back into its original site. A pane of protective glass is placed over the window with attention to proper ventilation. This provides protection from the elements and other harsh forces that could cause damage.
Receive an Estimate
Do you have antique stained glass that needs remodeling or renovation? Contact Scottish Stained Glass today to get an estimate for your restoration.