Is Your Stained Glass Ready for Repair, Restoration, or Replacement?
How do you know if your stained glass is ready for repair, restoration, or replacement? The answer to this question is two-fold and often requires an in-person assessment. Having a comprehensive assessment done can help you decide which avenue is required for your project. But first, it’s important to define what each service entails so that you can make the most informed decision regarding your upcoming stained glass project.
Stained Glass Repair
Repairs can often be completed on-site and are required for more minor damage. This is also more suitable for newer stained glass windows and features that aren’t in the 75 year to 100 year age range. Stained glass repair is the least expensive project cost out of the three and is ideal for certain small damages. An experienced studio can often discuss these repairs over the phone or in person.
Stained Glass Restoration
Restoration is typically needed every 75 to 100 years due to the natural deterioration process of stained glass. Some cases will require restoration even sooner- if your window experiences any vandalism, severe weather, or natural disaster, then restoration is often required immediately. Our proprietary process is extensive and restores the glass and lead components as well as potential protective glass upgrades. Restoration is more costly than repair but less expensive than replacement. The benefits of restoration include restored antique value, proper preservation of beloved stained glass, and more.
Stained Glass Replacement
Replacement is a personal choice made by a client. This is an ideal option if you’re looking for a different design to replace your existing stained glass. Stained glass replacement is the most expensive option as it requires custom design, manufacturing, and installation efforts. This option should only be chosen if you’re not happy with your existing glass.
Schedule Your Stained Glass Consultation
Scottish Stained Glass is proud to offer all three leading services for clients throughout the nation. We offer stained glass repair, restoration, and replacement for religious, commercial, and residential properties. If you’re uncertain which option is best for you, our team is happy to help guide you through this process. Contact us today for your free consultation!