Benefits of Preserving Your Historical Homes’s Character by Repairing Stained Glass in Dallas
Historic homes certainly have their charm and character, but they often require some work. If you’ve recently moved into a historic home with stained glass windows, it’s important to give them a good once over to evaluate their condition. See any cracks or chips? Does the glass look cloudy? If so, your stained glass probably needs a little maintenance. Don’t worry, the repairs could be minimal and they’re probably well worth the investment. Here are some of the benefits of repairing the stained glass in your Dallas home.
Why You Should Keep Your Historic Home’s Leaded Glass
Besides being a hallmark feature of Dallas historic homes, stained glass windows are valuable in many ways, to both the homeowner and the community. Before you decide to scrap your stained glass, here are some reasons you may want to consider keeping it:
Who to Call for Stained Glass Repair
Once you’ve made the decision that you want to keep your leaded glass windows, the next step is to get them up to date on maintenance. You’re going to want to locate a stained glass repair expert in Dallas and check out their work. If they seem trustworthy, call them and ask for references. You’ll also want to book an appointment to meet them at your home. This gives you the chance to get to know them and gives them the opportunity to inspect the windows. That way, you’ll have a rough idea of what the repairs will cost.
Book an Appointment
Scottish Stained Glass is proud to be Dallas’ trusted source for stained glass repair. Call today to book an appointment and get started!