Stained Glass Restoration Myths: We Can Help Restore Denver Stained Glass
The harsh and dynamic climate of Colorado makes stained glass restoration in Denver and other cities a vitally important task, yet there are several persistent myths surrounding how the restoration process should be approached. We like to keep our potential customers well-informed, so we’ve dispelled a couple common myths below.
Common Myths Concerning Stained Glass Restoration in Denver
Myth #1: Restoration Requires an Overhaul of the Stained Glass
Contrary to popular belief, the goal of stained glass restoration for Denver structures shouldn’t be to replace it or make it look brand new, but rather to preserve it as closely to the original condition as possible. There should be very few replacements made, if any. However, a minimal amount of professional cleaning and using improved versions of any materials that need to be replaced (such as switching damaged pure lead for restoration lead) will breathe life back into the glass.
Myth #2: Pure Lead is Better for Stained Glass Restoration
This myth goes back to the heyday of the stained glass industry in America during the mid-19th century, when a more efficient smelting process led to the creation of 100% pure lead came (strips or foil). The industry believed metal purity meant durability. Modern stained glass restoration for Denver buildings will usually involve restoration lead, which emulates extremely durable medieval lead mixtures.
If you have a stained glass restoration project in the Denver area, don’t be afraid to consult a professional who knows the facts and can approach your stained glass in the most delicate and conservatory way possible.
Scottish Stained Glass – The Authority on Stained Glass Restoration in Denver
Call our office to learn more about the services we offer, including stained glass restoration services in Denver and beyond.