To Keep Or Replace: A Closer Look At The Value of Stained Glass in Austin Historic Homes
Stained glass windows can add considerable character and charm to a home. In Austin, stained glass is a very common feature in historic homes located in neighborhoods like Old Enfield, North University, Clarksville, Hyde Park, and Travis Heights.
Whether you’re the owner of a home with stained glass or are thinking about moving into a historic home with stained glass, you may have questions about whether or not your stained glass is worth keeping. Aesthetics aside, one factor that you may want to take into consideration when deciding whether to keep or replace your stained glass is value. Austin homes with stained glass that is old enough to be antique could be very valuable. However, the condition of the piece should also be taken into consideration.
How to Determine Stained Glass Value
Stained glass value can be determined with a careful inspection. By taking a look at the style, age, and condition of the stained glass, one can gain a rough idea of its monetary value.
Age – Appraisers often determine the value of a stained glass first by considering its age. High quality stained glass windows that are very old could be considered antiques and therefore may be very valuable. Stylistic features, colors, and materials can provide an indication towards the age of a stained glass window.
Style – Style is also an important factor to take into consideration for a stained glass window. Over the years, trends in style tend to change. What once may have been a very coveted style of stained glass may no longer appease the modern homeowner. This could decrease the value of the piece.
Condition – What is the condition of the stained glass? Stained glass windows that are bowing or cracked will need to be restored in order to remain intact. While stained glass restoration can be expensive, many times it will increase the value of the stained glass, which helps offset the costs.
Deciding Whether to Keep or Replace Stained Glass
Once you’ve determined the stained glass value, you can then proceed to make your decisions about whether or not to keep it or replace it. Many homeowners choose to keep their stained glass because of its practical benefits. Stained glass provides privacy and also increases the curb appeal of a home. However, ultimately the decision is yours. If you’re not sure which option is best, you could also contact a stained glass studio to obtain a professional opinion.
Schedule an Appointment
If you would like someone to help determine your stained glass value, our Austin experts will be happy to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for an onsite consultation.