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What’s the Best Way to Clean Stained Glass?

Maintaining your stained glass can lengthen times between restoration and provide better antique value in the long run. Proper care and maintenance are crucial to keeping your stained glass in good condition. Cleaning your stained glass windows regularly is really important. During all of our experiences with restoration, we always see how much debris and dirt can get built up on these windows over a centuries time. Don’t let the beauty of your expensive stained glass become hidden– learn how to properly care for and clean your stained glass windows!

Proper Maintenance and Cleaning Tips for Stained Glass Windows

We recommend cleaning your stained glass window every week or two weeks. You’ll be surprised how much can accumulate in such a short period of time. Always use a neutral PH soap when cleaning your stained glass– never use Windex or other cleaning agents. Traditional cleaners can cause lead or zinc framing to oxidize faster. Most cleaning detergents contain ammonia which can create numerous structural issues in your stained glass window. Always use a soft rag that’s not abrasive to make sure you don’t scratch the surface of your glass. When cleaning, make sure to mix warm water with the neutral PH soap to create an even milder solution that’s gentle and effective.

Work with Houston’s Preferred Stained Glass Studio

Scottish Stained Glass is proud to be the preferred stained glass studio offering comprehensive repair and restoration services. Regular maintenance and cleaning give you the opportunity to check on the condition of your stained glass. This provides proactive opportunities to discover if your stained glass needs any repairs or restoration. We’re always here to provide any maintenance and proper care advice that you need.

For more information regarding the best way to clean your Houston stained glass windows, please contact us!